
Sunday, December 7, 2014

'Ruby' may be big, but GOD is bigger!

Everyone is so afraid of typhoon "Ruby"! And understandably so. "Yolanda" last year left such a huge devastation to lives and properties and a big heartbreaker. But amidst the fear, let us not forget that we have such a huge GOD. Remember that heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool. Storms do not worry Him! Remember Jesus sleeping through a storm in the sea and His disciples waking Him up? He chided them for being deeply troubled and unbelieving. So while we have to stock up on food, candles and batteries and stay indoors, let us not live in constant fear for the Lord has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, even through the storm! Let us all pray and believe for His protection for our lives and properties. 
Have a blessed day!  

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